VISA Intern

My Projects at VISA

Self-Heling Automation

May’17 - July’17

Manager: Mr. Mohan Babu Nellore, Director-MAP

Mentor: Mr. Arup Datta

  • Implemented an intelligent automation architecture that makes sure all dependent components (VMs, services/applications, databases) are working as desired before running actual test suite to wipe off all false positives. This ensured that there is no downtimefor any service/API and also reduced development and test time by 90%.
  • Implemented Restful APIs for application health-check, starting/stopping and re-starting the services using JAVA servlet framework.
  • Filed a patent for this work and was awarded a pre-placement offer for sincere and concerted efforts with avisible business impact.

BrowserSync Integration in Existing Architecture

May’17 - July’17

Manager: Mr. Mohan Babu Nellore, Director-MAP

Mentor: Mr. Shubham

  • Enabled cross-browser testing by integrating BrowserSync with an existing web application which reduced the developmentand test time by 60%.
  • Implemented methods to ensure that different browsers across different devices are executing requests insynchronization.